The Official NFT20 API enable anyone to get easily data from our protocol usage. List all pools, recent activity and NFTs that are available from each pools.

The source code of the ETL and API is available on Github: https://github.com/verynifty/nft20-backend .

If you are building with this API and need custom routes or help, don’t hesitate to join us on Discord.

Get Pools

Get all pools with their information.


Sample result

    data: [
      "address": "0x22c4ad011cce6a398b15503e0ab64286568933ed",
      "nft": "0x7cdc0421469398e0f3aa8890693d86c840ac8931",
      "nft_type": "1155",
      "name": "dokidoki20",
      "symbol": "doki20",
      "lp_eth_balance": "16.31004286839573",
      "lp_usd_balance": "27392.553897041944",
      "nft_usd_price": "11.863885576921874",
      "nft_eth_price": "0.007063981075756255",
      "nft_locked": "2738",
      "token_supply": "273800",
      "total_nft_transfers": "4106",
      "pool_users": "46"
     "pagination": {
      "total": 480,
      "lastPage": 10,
      "perPage": 50,
      "currentPage": true,
      "from": 0,
      "to": 50

Get NFTs

Retrieve all NFTs available from a pool. All parameters are optional.


Sample result

  "data": [
      "pool": "0x60acd58d00b2bcc9a8924fdaa54a2f7c0793b3b2",
      "nft_contract": "0xe4605d46fd0b3f8329d936a8b258d69276cba264",
      "nft_id": "1",
      "nft_image": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/YYFCJ7yne0heQKDvNXxcEmXrgxMBoSGNv3pgHmPJnxBgInV_aaQklSX79ImCQUL2AIx04QhI66yQegVHVqv6xFZg",
      "nft_title": "Meme Grail Relic",
      "nft_description": "The Meme Holy Grail. To show our appreciation to all humble farmers",
      "availabe_quantity": "711"
    "pagination": {
      "total": 480,
      "lastPage": 10,
      "perPage": 50,
      "currentPage": true,
      "from": 0,
      "to": 50

Get Activity

Get list of what happened on pools. All parameters are optional.


Sample result

  "data": [
      "address": "0x60acd58d00b2bcc9a8924fdaa54a2f7c0793b3b2",
      "nft": "0xe4605d46fd0b3f8329d936a8b258d69276cba264",
      "nft_type": "1155",
      "name": "MEME LTD",
      "symbol": "MEME20",
      "lp_eth_balance": "14.42583302867626",
      "lp_usd_balance": "24303.48942007147",
      "nft_eth_price": "0.011373352691311477",
      "nft_usd_price": "19.160914746106272",
      "blocknumber": "11918483",
      "transactionhash": "0x4ca3833a996b44e5316061e41f4f2d0a2d81529853aff734ae2dcad89b5b64fc",
      "from": "0x05d1521f86f6d3f4d873aa1cb33484999e0debac",
      "timestamp": "2021-02-24T07:27:25.000Z",
      "to": "0x60acd58d00b2bcc9a8924fdaa54a2f7c0793b3b2",
      "pool": "0x60acd58d00b2bcc9a8924fdaa54a2f7c0793b3b2",
      "user": "0x05d1521f86f6d3f4d873aa1cb33484999e0debac",
      "ids": [
      "amounts": [
      "nft_name": [
        "Stani Common",
        "The Inception"
      "nft_image": [
      "total_transfers": "4",
      "amount": "-4",
      "type": "Withdraw"
    "pagination": {
      "total": 480,
      "lastPage": 10,
      "perPage": 50,
      "currentPage": true,
      "from": 0,
      "to": 50

You can additionally filter by pool address or NFT address:

https://api.nft20.io/activity?pool=0xe89d4c65db4c859a83ba7f100154fa2d172b60b0 https://api.nft20.io/activity?nft=0x4581649af66bccaee81eebae3ddc0511fe4c5312

Last updated